Acceptable Use Policies

Food & Drink

  • Serving of food and drink in the library will not be allowed without the permission of the Librarian.
  • Any form of tobacco, e-cigarettes, illegal drugs, or alcohol will not be permitted on library property.

Approved 1-22-24

Meeting Room

The Slater Public Library offers a meeting room available to the public.  The meeting room policy reflects Article 6 of the Library Bill of Rights, which states, “Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”  (See Appendix A)  Permission to use the meeting room does not imply the library’s endorsement of any ideas expressed in the meetings nor of the goals, objectives, or ideals of the person or organization using the meeting room.

  • First consideration will be given to the programs and activities sponsored by the Library, Friends of the Library and the City of Slater. Additional requests will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis.  Recurrent use (monthly or multiple meetings per month) will be handled on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the frequency, duration, availability of space and so on.
  • Reservations or patrons requesting use must be made by an adult who will be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred to Library property and must be in charge of any children/minors under age 18 attending the meeting. Name and phone number must be given when request is made.
  • The Director will be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for both regular and one-time meetings held in the library.
  • Meeting rooms are not available for the sale of merchandise, for solicitation of later sales, or for order placement. The Library reserves the right to allow sales conducted by the Library itself, the Friends of the Slater Library, the City of Slater, or non-profit organizations in Slater.
  • No fees will be charged for the use of the meeting room.
  • The meeting room will be available only during regular library hours.
  • When two individuals are using the room and one is a minor under age 18, the door must remain open.
  • Normal operation of the library is not to be disrupted by those using the meeting room. Individuals attending meetings are responsible for the supervision of their children.
  • The Library is not responsible for any accident, injury, loss or damage to the private property of individuals or organizations using the room.

Upon the discretion of the Library Director, this policy may be overridden.

Reviewed 12-19-22


  • A Yamaha Clavinova digital piano was donated by the Friends of the Slater Library and is available for public use during the library’s hours of operation. The piano may be used for a variety of purposes, which include practicing for a piano lesson and playing for pleasure.  It is not available for use by teachers to conduct piano lessons for profit.

  • First consideration will be given to the programs and activities sponsored by the Library, Friends of the Library and the City of Slater. Additional requests will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis.
  • Reservations must be made by an adult with a valid library card in good standing who will be held fiscally responsible for all costs associated with damage to the piano due to neglect or abuse and must be in charge of any children/minors under age 18. Name and phone number must be given when request is made.
  • Patrons must request use at the Circulation desk. The piano may be checked out for a period of 30 minutes. The librarian on duty is responsible to tell the patron their time is up, or to allow additional time. Although the piano is usually booked for individual use, a user may be assisted by another person. No more than two persons may be at the piano at a time.
  • Patrons will be considerate of other library users. Headphones are to be worn unless the piano is being used for a public program scheduled by the Director.
  • No food or drinks will be used in the vicinity of the piano. No cups, glasses, etc., will be placed on the piano at any time.
  • Only Slater Public Library Staff are allowed to move the piano.
  • Patrons are urged to use the piano tutorial and are encouraged to read the instructional materials. Staff will assist users with basic operations. Staff is unable to provide training in the use of the piano or software used with it. Any problem with software or equipment must be reported immediately.
  • Failure to comply with these policies will result in loss of piano privileges and may lead to prosecution.

The Library Director has the final authority in determining appropriate use and scheduling of the piano.

Reviewed 12-19-22

Public Announcements

The library will display public announcements at the discretion of the Director.

Reviewed 12-19-22

Copy Machine/Printer/Fax/Scanner

The copy machine/printer/fax/scanner is to be operated only by library employees.

  • Copy and printing rates:
    • 25 cents per black and white copy
    • 50 cents per color copy
  • Fax rates:
    • $.50 per page when sending in the United States.
    • $3 for the first page and $1 for each additional page when sending outside the United States.
    • $.50 flat rate for toll-free faxes.
    • Regular printing fees apply to faxes received at the library.
  • There is no fee for scanning.

Reviewed 12-19-22

Computer Use/Internet

Internet access is available without charge to library patrons.  The Internet is an unregulated source of information. The Internet offers access to many valuable local, national, and international sources of information.  However, the Internet also contains information, which may be inaccurate, outdated, or personally offensive.  The Slater Pubic Library does not limit access to materials.  Patrons using the Library’s computer and wireless connection should be aware of the following:

  • Patrons who want to use the library’s computers must sign in with their library card. Patron’s who are new or visiting the library must present an ID to a staff member to receive a guest pass.
  • Patrons under 14 years of age must have a library card unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Children 7 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult at the computer.
  • If the patron has an overdue fine of more than $5.00, he or she will not be able to use the library computers until the fines are paid.
  • Users are limited to 30 minute sessions. Additional time will be granted at the librarian’s discretion.  Patrons using the computers for games will be under stricter time limits than those using the computers for homework, word processing, etc.
  • Computers are to be used on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • No more than two patrons at a workstation at a time unless given permission by a staff member.
  • The computers will only be available to adults during programs.
  • Patrons must use headphones, which are available at the circulation desk.
  • Current printing rates are listed in the copy machine/printing/fax/scanner section of the library policy.
  • The library is not responsible for work or information lost due to computer or system malfunction.
  • Patrons will only be allowed to save files to a personal CD or flash drive. The library is not responsible for any damage to the customer’s devise.
  • The Slater Public Library cannot guarantee confidentiality over the Internet. Patrons entering personal information (credit card numbers, social security number, etc.) do so at their own risk.
  • Only parents and legal guardians have the right and responsibility to monitor and control their own minor children’s access to the Internet and information obtained.
  • Legal Considerations:
    • Library connections will not be used for illegal or criminal purposes, including
      • Violation of Iowa State law, which makes it illegal to download or purvey child pornography, purvey pornography to children or commit fraudulent acts using the Internet.
      • Violation of U.S. copyright law (title 17, U.S. Code) which prohibits the unauthorized reproduction of copyright materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use”.
    • Library workstations are not to be used to gain unauthorized access to the Library’s or any other organization’s network or computer system.
  • The Slater Public Library disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems or any consequences thereof.
  • The computers in the director’s office, staff room, and circulation computer are for staff use only.
  • Patrons who behave inappropriately while using the computer will be denied access to the computer for a period of time to be determined by Director. (Also refer to the behavior policy.)
  • Iowa Law (Code of Iowa, Section 716A) prohibits damaging or destroying a computer, a computer program, software, operating system, or unauthorized access. Patrons are responsible for all damage to the equipment while they are signed in, and will pay all repair charges.  Inappropriate use of a computer can be a felony.
  • All patron computers and microfilm equipment will be shut down 10 minutes before the library closes for the day.

Upon the discretion of the Library Director, this policy may be overridden.

Reviewed 12-19-22


Laminating is available for items up to 8.5 inches X 11 inches for $2 per page with a limit of 5 pages.

Reviewed 12-19-22

Homebound Delivery

Delivery of library materials is available to homebound residents of the city of Slater upon request.

Reviewed 12-19-22


The library Director is a State of Iowa certified notary and available to notarize documents free of charge by appointment during regular business hours.

Reviewed 12-19-22

Test Proctoring

Purpose:  To meet the needs of students and institutions of higher learning, the Slater Public Library agrees to cooperate with patrons and institutions to support their lifelong learning goals by offering proctoring services. This service is based on the availability of personnel, facilities and technology to do so. As such, the following responsibilities are set out.

Responsibilities of Student:

  • The student will ask the library staff to proctor the exam.
  • The student will be required to arrange for the exam and instructions to be sent to the library at least one week before taking the exam.
  • The student is responsible for making arrangements to take the exam including calling the library to make sure the test has arrived (electronically or via mail) and scheduling a time to take the test. The student will schedule the exam time to end no less than 30 minutes before the closing of the library.
  • The student is responsible for ensuring that the computer resources at the library are adequate and available for test taking.
  • The student will provide a valid driver’s license or photo ID (if required) for verification of identity or the test will not be proctored.
  • The student will arrive prepared with the necessary or required supplies to take the exam. These supplies will be made available for approval by the proctor if required.
  • The student is responsible for any fees associated with taking the test such as printing, faxing or mailing.
  • The finished exam will be handled with other library mail including electronically.

Responsibilities of the Library and staff:

  • The library staff will provide the student and institution with copies of this policy.
  • A library staff person will proctor the exam. Specific librarians will not be assigned to proctor specific exams.
  • The proctor will observe the student while performing other tasks and assisting other patrons. Proctoring at the library will include issuing the exam, being aware of the student taking the exam, periodically observing the student, signing the proctor form and mailing the completed exam. If an institution requires the student to receive constant uninterrupted observation the library will be unable to proctor the exam.
  • The staff person who begins proctoring the exam may not be at the Circulation Desk when the exam is finished. The student may be returning the exam to a different librarian than the one who issued the exam to the student.
  • The librarian will not sign the name of another librarian on the proctoring form or the exam. The Slater Public Library will not proctor an exam for which the signature of only one designated person is required.
  • Library staff will not sign any statement required by the educational institution inconsistent with our policy or with how the test is administered.
  • Library staff may refuse to proctor an exam too burdensome or exacting in its demands.
  • The library cannot provide proctoring for groups of students.
  • The library is not responsible for technological failures.
  • The library is not responsible for exams that are lost by the postal system or electronically.
  • The library will not keep copies of completed exams.

Reviewed 12-19-2022

Unattended Children 

  • The library is concerned about the welfare of its patrons. Of particular concern are problems resulting from unattended children and disruptive behavior in the library.  Issues of safety, liability and responsibility motivate the library to address these potentially serious problems.
  • Children ages 4 and under must be attended by a parent or responsible adult at all times.
  • Children ages 5 through 7 must be brought to the library by a parent or responsible party who must remain in the library building with the child. Parents of school-aged children who are registered for children’s programming, may leave their children at the library, with permission of the staff, during programs with the understanding that they are responsible for picking them up on time.
  • A responsible party for children ages 5 through 7 must be at least 11 years old.
  • If a child is left unattended:
    • A staff member will attempt to locate the child’s parent or supervising adult in the building. If the responsible adult cannot be found in the building, a staff member will stay with the child while staff attempts to locate the parent or guardian by phone or other means.   In either case, when the responsible adult is located, the staff member will explain the library’s policy on unattended children.
    • If the supervising adult has not been located within an hour, or if the library is closing, the staff will notify the police.
    • Only in the event of an emergency, will staff members take an unattended child out of the library.

Reviewed 12-19-2022


  • The Slater Public Library will provide a safe, comfortable environment for its patrons. Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members and to exhibit appropriate behavior when using the library. Therefore the following kinds of behavior are prohibited:
    • Any behavior that is illegal
    • Any behavior that endangers oneself or others
    • Any behavior that is destructive to library property
    • Any behavior that is disruptive to the library environment or programming
    • Any behavior that is abusive to a staff member or other patron
    • Any use of the library that interferes with the library’s purpose
    • Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by the Library Director or staff
  • The responsibility for enforcing this policy primarily rests on the staff member in charge of the library when the incident occurs.
  • Staff will issue a verbal warning with the goal of curtailing the inappropriate behavior and to encourage the patron to behave appropriately in the Library.
  • If the disruptive behavior continues the patron will be asked to leave for the day and the Director will be notified. The Director will determine when/if the patron is allowed to return to the library.  If banned from the library, the patron can submit a written appeal to the Board of Trustees.
  • In cases where the staff feels in physical danger, illegal behavior is occurring, or a patron refuses to leave after being asked, staff is authorized to call the police.
  • Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children.

Reviewed 12-19-2022