Operational Policy

Library Patrons

  • The library will serve all residents of the state, particularly those residents of the city of Slater and residents of cities contracting library service from Slater Public Library.
  • Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic or political status.
  • The use of the library or its services may be denied for due cause, such as destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons or any other objectionable conduct on the library premises.
  • All patron records are considered confidential. The Library Director shall not disclose any information concerning patrons to any party without a court order. Library associates and volunteers shall not disclose patron records under any circumstances. This includes, but is not limited to, information contained on patron records, materials checked out, materials checked out in the past or materials used in the library.

Reviewed 9-26-22


  • Patron records are considered confidential. Information including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number and materials borrowed will not be released, unless required by court order.
  • Slater Public Library subscribes to all provisions, responsibilities and remedies of Iowa Code 22.7 (13,14). See Appendix D.

Reviewed 9-26-22

Video Surveillance

The Slater Public Library strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for its staff and patrons. In pursuit of this objective, selected public areas of the library premises are under video surveillance and recording. Signage will be posted at the library entrances at all times, disclosing this activity.

  • Video cameras shall not be positioned in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of personal privacy.
  • Cameras will record activities in real time and images will be saved for 7 days, after which they will be deleted automatically to make room for new images.
  • When an incident occurs on Library premises:
    • Video image recordings will be used to identify the person or persons responsible for Library policy violations, criminal activity, or actions considered disruptive to normal Library operations.
    • Video records may be used to assist law enforcement agencies in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
    • Video recordings of incidents can be retained and reviewed as long as considered necessary by the Library Director or law enforcement.
    • Images may be shared with other Library staff to identify person(s) suspended from Library property and to maintain a safe and secure environment.
    • While it is recognized that video surveillance will not prevent all incidents, its potential deterrent effect, and resource as a means of identifying and prosecuting offenders is considered worthwhile.

Reviewed 9-26-22

Library Cards

  • Patrons must have a valid library card on file in order to check out library materials.
  • Patrons may not check out items under anyone else’s card, including a family member, without permission on the card application, or the verbal consent if the patron is present.
  • Patrons 14 and older must present a current valid photo ID when applying for a card, or a piece of mail verifying their current address.
  • A parent or guardian must be present to fill out and sign an application for children ages 5 to 13.
  • For the first month, new patrons are limited to 3 items at a time, only one of which may be audiovisual.
  • Library cards will change to inactive status if not used for a period of three years.

Reviewed 9-26-22


The services of the library include:

  • Selecting materials which best meet the needs of the community.
  • Organizing materials for easy access.
  • Providing guidance and assistance to patrons seeking information in print, audio-visual, or digital materials.
  • Initiating programs, exhibits, etc., to encourage the use of the library by persons of all ages.
  • Cooperating with other agencies and institutions serving the educational and recreational needs of the community.
  • Securing information beyond its own resources by obtaining bibliographies, information, etc., from agencies, institutions and organizations beyond the community.
  • Cooperating with other libraries in an inter-library loan service to borrow materials which are not owned or purchasable by the library or for which insufficient demand does not justify purchasing.
  • Reviewing periodically services offered to determine whether the needs of the community are being met.
  • Maintaining a balance in services to people of all ages.
  • Providing services during the hours which best meet the needs of the community.

Approved 9-26-22

Cooperation with Other Libraries

  • The Board and Librarian recognize that no single library can meet all the demands of its community. Libraries in different political subdivisions working together, sharing their services and resources, can better meet the full needs of the users.
  • The Board and the Librarian will remain alert to opportunities for cooperation with other libraries to strengthen the services and resources of the library.


  • Book, CD, video and magazine circulation is for two weeks.
  • Books, CDs, video and magazines can be renewed two times, as long as no one has placed a hold on the item(s).
  • A maximum of 5 videos per account may be checked-out at one time.
  • An unlimited amount of books, CDs, and magazines, may be checked-out.
  • Holds may be placed by telephone, in person, by e-mail to the Librarian, or via the online catalog, and must be picked up by the end of the next business day after notification or the item will be given to the next person waiting or returned to the collection. Patrons physically present in the library wanting the same item as an online hold request will have priority if the item hasn’t been pulled yet.
  • Renewal can be done by telephone, in person, by e-mail to the Librarian, or via the online catalog.
  • Library materials not returned or renewed after 90 days will be marked lost and the patron will be charged a replacement fee and will not be allowed to check out until the account is settled. Items returned after the 90 days that have already been reordered, will still need to be paid for.
  • The fees for lost or ruined materials will be the replacement cost. If the item is no longer available, the borrower will be charged the original cost of the materials at the discretion of the Librarian. There will be an additional processing fee of $3 per item.
  • There will be a $1 fee for videodisc sleeve replacement.
  • Interlibrary loan materials which require postage may be requested at no charge for the first 4 items per month. A charge of $3 per item will be applied if the patron would like additional items during that month.  Interlibrary loan items requested but not picked after 2 weeks up will accrue a service charge of $5 per item.  Allowances can be made at the discretion of the librarian.
  • All materials will be handled in accordance with the “Library Bill of Rights” of the American Library Association, the “Freedom to View Statement” and the “Freedom to Read Statement” prepared by the American Library Association and the American Book Publishers Council. (See Appendix A, B and C)

Upon the discretion of the Library Director, this policy may be overridden.

Approved 1-22-24

Inclement Weather

  • When local schools are cancelled for the day or local school activities are cancelled in the evening hours, library hours will be determined by the director.
  • If patrons are present in the library and there is a severe weather warning issued for the area directly affecting the library, the staff member working may choose to ask patrons to leave the library (if adequate time allows) and close the library to seek shelter elsewhere until the warning is canceled. Any staff and patrons in the library during inclement weather, must follow staff to designated safety zones. If there are unattended children in the library, staff are responsible for leading them to safety zones.
  • Designated Safety Zones:
    • Men’s Bathroom
    • Staff Workroom

Reviewed 9-26-22

Policy Administration

  • The Board sets policies to be administered by the Director.
  • The Director is responsible to the Board for the administration of the policies.
  • All other library employees are responsible to the Director.

Reviewed 9-26-22